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48÷75×84.5÷20=? (a) 1.527 (b) 1.834 (c) 2.704 (d) 2.914 (e) None of these

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To solve the expression 48÷75×84.5÷20, we will follow the order of operations (division before multiplication). Let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Perform the first division 48÷75


To simplify 4875, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 3.


Step 2: Convert 1625 to decimal

Now, we will convert 1625 into decimal form:


Step 3: Perform the second division 84.5÷20

Next, we will divide 84.5 by 20:


Step 4: Multiply the results from Step 2 and Step 3

Now, we multiply the two results:


To make the multiplication easier, we can ignore the decimals temporarily:


Calculating 64×4225:


Step 5: Count the decimal places

Now, we need to account for the decimal places. In 0.64, there are 2 decimal places, and in 4.225, there are 3 decimal places. Thus, we have a total of 2+3=5 decimal places.

So, we place the decimal point in 270400:

2704002.70400 (which can be simplified to 2.704)

Final Answer

The final answer is:

