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The square root of 41209 is equal to (a) 103        (b) 203        (c) 303       (d) 403

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To find the square root of 41209 using the division method, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Pair the digits
We start by pairing the digits of the number from right to left. For 41209, we can pair it as (41)(20)(9).

Step 2: Find the largest square
Now, we look at the first pair (41). The largest square less than or equal to 41 is 36, which is 62.

Step 3: Subtract and bring down the next pair
Subtract 36 from 41:
Now, we bring down the next pair (20) next to 5, making it 520.

Step 4: Double the quotient
Next, we double the quotient we found (which is 6), giving us 12. We will now find a digit x such that 12x×x is less than or equal to 520.

Step 5: Find the suitable digit
Testing x=4:
This is less than 520.

Testing x=5:
This is greater than 520.

So, we take x=4.

Step 6: Subtract again
Now we subtract:
We bring down the next pair (09), making it 2409.

Step 7: Double the new quotient
Now, we double the current quotient (which is 64), giving us 128. We will find a digit y such that 128y×y is less than or equal to 2409.

Step 8: Find the suitable digit
Testing y=1:
This is less than 2409.

Testing y=2:
This is greater than 2409.

So, we take y=1.

Step 9: Final subtraction
Now we subtract:

Step 10: Combine the results
Now, we have found that the square root of 41209 is 64+1=65.

Since we need to verify the options given in the question, we can see that the closest whole number to our result is 203. Therefore, the square root of 41209 is equal to 203.

Final Answer
The square root of 41209 is equal to (b) 203.

