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The larger the value of '1' belonging to the same main energy, higher is the energy associated with it' Comment on this statement.

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When more than one electron is present in one main energy level, the energy of a particular elec- tron is detennined by the value of '01.' When the electron enters into p-orbital from infinite distance, it has to work tovvards a weaker force of attraction than that in case of 's-' orbital due to the screen- ing effect of the 's-' orbital belonging to the same energy level. Hence, the loss of energy is less in case of electron entering the 'p-' orbital than that entering the 's-' orbital. As a result, the electron belonging to 'p-' orbital has higher energy than that belonging to 's-' orbital. Sinularly, 'd-' orbital is associated with higher energy than that of 'p' and . the energy of the 'f-' 'orbital' is the highest provided they all belong to the same main energy level.
