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If 2x=1+3i, then the value of (1x2+x)6(1x+x2)6 is 32 (b) 64 (c) 64 (d) 0

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To solve the equation given 2x=1+3i, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Solve for x
We start by isolating x:

Step 2: Recognize x as a cube root of unity
Notice that x can be expressed in terms of the cube roots of unity. Specifically, we can identify:
where ω is one of the cube roots of unity, satisfying the equation x3=1.

Step 3: Use properties of cube roots of unity
The properties of ω are:
1. 1+ω+ω2=0
2. ω3=1

Step 4: Calculate (1x2+x)6 and (1x+x2)6
First, we compute 1x2+x:
Using the property 1+ω+ω2=0, we can rewrite:

Next, we compute 1x+x2:
Again using the property:

Step 5: Raise both expressions to the power of 6
Now we have:

Step 6: Simplify using ω3=1
Since ω6=(ω3)2=12=1 and ω12=(ω3)4=14=1, we can substitute:

Step 7: Find the final value
Now we can find the value of the expression:

Final Answer
Thus, the value of (1x2+x)6(1x+x2)6 is:
