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We wish to select 6 persons from 8, but if the person A is chosen, then B must be chosen. In how many ways can the selections be made? 15          (b)  22      (c)  7        (d)  None of these

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To solve the problem of selecting 6 persons from 8 with the condition that if person A is chosen, then person B must also be chosen, we can break down the solution into two cases.

Step 1: Understand the conditions.
- We have 8 persons: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.
- We need to select 6 persons.
- If A is chosen, B must also be chosen.

Step 2: Case 1 - A is chosen.
- If A is chosen, then B must also be chosen.
- This means we have already selected 2 persons (A and B).
- Now, we need to select 4 more persons from the remaining 6 persons (C, D, E, F, G, H).
- The number of ways to choose 4 persons from 6 is given by the combination formula (nr), where n is the total number of items to choose from, and r is the number of items to choose.

Ways when A is chosen=(64)

Step 3: Calculate (64).
- Using the combination formula:


Step 4: Case 2 - A is not chosen.
- If A is not chosen, then B also cannot be chosen (as per the condition).
- Now we need to select all 6 persons from the remaining 6 persons (C, D, E, F, G, H).
- The number of ways to choose 6 persons from 6 is:

Ways when A is not chosen=(76)

Step 5: Calculate (76).
- Using the combination formula:


Step 6: Combine the results from both cases.
- The total number of ways to select the persons is the sum of the two cases:

Total ways=(64)+(76)=15+7=22

Final Answer:
The total number of ways to select 6 persons from 8, given the conditions, is 22.

