How did the young seagull make his first flight?
Our parents had decided to take us for our first. We were very happy. But we wondered what was wrong with the young Seagull. HE was aftaid to fly off with us. When we flew away, he stayed bback on his ledge. We throughly enjoyed our first flight. All day long our parents flew about with us,. perfecting us in the art of fight. They taught us how to skin the waves and how to dive for fish. As we walked about on the plateau,we saw the coward pacing up and down the ledge. Perhaps he was desperate with hunger. Suddenly we saw the moher picking up a piece of fish. We wondered what she is going to do . She flew across to him. She held the fish almost within in reach of his beak. He dived at the fish. The next moment he was falling heading,. We panicked. We heaved a sig of relief when his wings spread outwards. Thenn he flapped his wings gradually downwards and outwards. Thhen he fladded his wings gradually downwards and outward. Then he flapped his wings and soured upwards. At last he too, had made his first flight.
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I started right away at the Montessori nursery school. I stayed there until I was six at which time I started in the first form . In the sixth form my teach was Mrs. Kuperus , the headmistress . At the end of the year we were both in tear as we said a heartbreaking farewell.
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