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Explain the word Interview and how do many writer find favour with it ?

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The interview has become a common feature of journalism Thousands of famous men celebrities have been interviewd over the years. But critice hold different opinious about interviews. Yet despite their drawbacks, we get most clear impression of celebrities only through interviews. The interview holds a position of great power and influence.
Opinions differ. Some consider an interview as a soures of truth.. Its practice is an art. When one man asks questions and the other answers almost everything reaches us in the simplest form. Many celebrities, hate being interviewed. They consider it as an .unwarranted intrusion. in their lives Naipaul feels that during an interview people .loss a part of themselves. Lewis Carrol considers it an offence against his person H. G. Wells cell it an .ordeal. Saul Bellow describes interviews as .thumbprints on his windpipe..
