Write an article on Mid Day Meal Scheme ' in about 150- 200 words.
In India the Mid Day Meal Scheme . is formed for the school children to enhance interest in school going students of the development the education in the society . Under this scheme the school children get the opportunity of food in schools in mid day period . The mid day meal system is very beneficial for government school childrens particularly in primary schools and middle school children . This scheme is also found in Aaganbari children . Under this scheme the food materials are supplied by the govt . in government schools . Mid day meal and food. are cooked by cook- maid particularly by women cook . Mid day meal scheme is very beneficial for poor government school children . it is also important for the growth rate of education in the country . In recent days, it is necessary to eradicate the evils of Mid Day Meal scheme. Then this scheme could be beneficial for school going children.
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