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Describe Jack's art of story telling. How does Jack narrate the story 'Should Wizard Hit Mommy'?

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Jack seems to have perfected the art of story-telling. The custom of store-telling is now nearly two years old. Jack has a basic tale. Each new story is a slight variation of that basic tale. In every tale there is a small creature, usually named Roger (Roger Fish, Roger Squirrel or Roger Chipmunk). Then there is wise owl and a wizard with a magic wand in every story. Jack understands the pulse of his little daughter Jo. So, the creates special effects to keep her interest intact. He may imitate the voice of the old wizard and narrate the story with the pace and tone as may suit the occasion. He is always full of creative enthusiasm.
In this story a new animal is chosen. He is named Roger Skunk. He smells so bad that a little creatures keep away from him. No one plays with him. When they see him they start crying ..Uh-oh, here comes Roger Stinky Skunk.. Rogger goes to the wise old owl. He tells his tale to him. The owl directs him to the wizard. Roger comes to the house where the wizard lives. Roger Skunk tells his tragic story to the wizard. He gives seven pennies to the wizard. He becomes very happy and chante a spell using his magic wand. Roger Skunk is made to smell like roses. Now all other animals are attracted towards him. They play and dance together. Roger Skunk comes home. His mother is annoyed at the ..awfull smell.. of roses. She at once comes to the wizard who made her son smell like roses. She hits him hard over his head. The wizard makes Roger Skunk smell bad again. Now his mother is happy. At least, Roger now smells like a skunk. He now smells like her own son. She hugs and lives him. Eventually, all little animals also start keeping company with him.
