Answer any one of the following questions.
(b) Describe the role of Arul Doss in the play.
Text Solution
Arul Doss is the bead peon of the Co-operative Bank at Malgudi. He is always on the look out for some victims. Margayya calls him the worst blackguard under the sun. Arul Doss is instrumental in getting Margayya destabilized from his place of work. He instigates the secretary to punish Margayya. It is he who comes and threatens Margayya. Arul Doss reports to the Secretary bow Margayya has insulted him and other bank employees. He irritated Margayya first and then brings the Secretary to do the rest. He collects all the forms and the tin box of Margayya under the instructions of the secretary. He feels proud while doing. Margayya swears that he will teach Ami Doss a lesson no matter at what cost.
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