How can you say that Murti, the school teacher is a helpless person ?
Murti is an arithmetic and English teacher at the school where Balu studies. He has earned a reputation of being a great teacher and strict disciplinarian. Balu.s father engages Murti as a tutor to teach his son at home and instructs him to use the came fearlessly. Murti is wise enough to understand the intention of Margayya. He gets ten rupees a month for the home tuition in addition to twenty five rupees a month from the school job. He is cautious enough not to use his cane . Balu may poison his father.s ears and he may lose both the jobs .
murti always tries to keep Balu is good humour. He give him gifts of pencils, rubbers, sweets and solves all his sums.
Murti is a helpless teacher like his colleagues at the school. Balu is naughty and delinquent child . murti soon discovers that the father is also disinterested in Balu.s studies. He performs his duty as a formality without his heart in it .
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