Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 words each
How does the novel reflect the wholeness of a human being
The term novel so far as I give place it as per the text is something different from anything known before or new , intersting and often seeming slightly strange. It is not ,so not it its meaning as novel viz, a story long enough to fill a complete book in which the characters and everts are usually imaginary. it is not noum but an adective in its meaning as per the text or its subject matter.
This novel in its reflection on wholesness of human being tells that living without degrees or distinctions as scientist philosopher, priest (here in parson) in their so-called repute position or sophisticated wordly living or distinction in its meanest form as. stupid is th true and wholesome living the authr wants to see each individual in his reconition as novelist viz. an individual different from that hc is known before or a new individaul .
He is meant here an individual abounding in cosmos consciousness or parama chetana (parambrahma) he states -and being a novelist I can consider myself superios to the saint the scientist the philosopher and the poet who are all great masters of different bits of man alive nut never get the whole hog he thus imagines an individual free from ego , passions, urges, temprations and hedonism . he finds pleasure in seeing people in their me living and not as man alive . it is all round development of human personality. it.s an individual get rid of worldly bondage i.e discrimination , prejudices stereotypes and mores. Therefore, it is here showed that the novel reflect wholeness of a human being.
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