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What is meant by plane polarised light? What type of waves show the property of polarisation ? Briefly discuss polarisation by reflection.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Plane Polarized Light:
- Plane polarized light refers to light in which the oscillations of the electromagnetic waves are restricted to a single plane. This means that all the light waves vibrate in one specific direction rather than in multiple directions.

2. Type of Waves that Show Polarization:
- The type of waves that exhibit the property of polarization are transverse waves. In transverse waves, the oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. This characteristic allows them to be polarized, as the oscillations can be confined to a particular plane.

3. Polarization by Reflection:
- Polarization by reflection occurs when an unpolarized beam of light strikes a smooth, transparent surface (like glass). When the unpolarized light hits the surface, some of it is reflected while some is refracted. The reflected light becomes partially polarized.
- The degree of polarization depends on the angle of incidence. At a specific angle known as the polarizing angle, the reflected light is maximally polarized. This angle can be determined using Brewster's Law, which states that the polarizing angle is related to the refractive index of the material.
- In this context, the oscillations of the reflected light will be predominantly in the plane parallel to the reflecting surface, while the component of light that is perpendicular to this plane remains unpolarized.
