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What was the common character on which races of human populations were determined.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Concept of Race:
- Race refers to the categorization of human beings based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can be physical or social in nature.

2. Identifying Common Characteristics:
- Among the various characteristics used to categorize human races, physical traits are the most significant.

3. Focusing on Physical Traits:
- Physical traits include various features such as hair type, facial features, and skin color.

4. Determining the Key Character:
- The most common and significant physical trait used to determine races of human populations is skin color.

5. Explaining Skin Color:
- Skin color is influenced by genetic factors and is determined by multiple genes. This type of inheritance is known as polygenic inheritance, meaning that multiple genes contribute to the trait.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the common character on which races of human populations are determined is skin color.

Final Answer:
The common character on which races of human populations were determined is skin color.

