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What are interstitial compounds ? Why are such compounds well known for transition metals?

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Transition metals form interstitial compounds. Transition metals have a unique character to form interstitial compounds with small non-metallic elements such as hydrogen, boron, carbon and nitrogen. The small atoms of these non-metallic elements (H, B, C, N, etc.) fit into the vacant spaces of the lattices of the transition metal atoms. As a result of the filling up of the interstitial spaces, the transition metals become rigid and hard. These interstitial compounds have simialr chemical properties as the parent metals but have different physical properties, particularly, density, hardness and conductivity. For example, steel and cast iron are hard because of the formation of interstitial compounds with carbon.
These interstitial compounds have variable composition and cannot be expressed by a simple formula. Therefore, these are called non-stoichiometric compounds.
