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Describe any three features of 'unitary government'.

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The three features of .unitary government are given below:
(i) Centralisation of Powers : All powers are centralised in the hands of the central government and the centre is the reservoir of all state powers. In this system, there are no provincial governments and the Constitution empowers the central government to legislate, execute and adjudicate with full might.
(ii) Single and Simple Government : A unitary government is very simple system. With the exception of Britain, there are neither provincial assemblies and executives nor the upper chambers at the center. There is a single central government at the center. There is a unicameral legislature popularly elected. The central legislature is there to legislate, executive to execute and the judiciary to adjudicate without any share.
(iii) Uniformity of Laws : Another characteristic of a unitary government is that the laws of the unitary system, unlike in a federation, are uniform because laws are made only by a single central government for the whole state. Laws made by the centre are equally enforced in the rest of the state without any territorial distinction while in a federation, the nature of the law varies from province to province.
