उपरोक्त समस्या में किसी यादृच्छिक बिन्दु P पर गुरुत्वीय तीव्रता किस तीर (i)d, (ii)e, (iii)f, (iv)g द्वारा व्यक्त की जाएगी ?
Text Solution
स्पष्ट कारण के अनुसार बिन्दु P पर गुरुत्वीय तीव्रता e के अनुदिश होगी।
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i) Addition of BaCl2 solution to solution of (A) results in the formation of a white ppt. (B), which is insoluble in dil. HCl.
ii) On heating (A), water vapours and two oxides of sulphur, (C ) and (D) are liberated leaving a red brown residue (E).
iii) (E) dissolves in warm conc. HCl to give a yellow solution (F).
iv) With H2S, the solution (F) yields a pale yellow ppt. (G), which when filtered, leaves a greenish filtrate (H).
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i) Addition of BaCl2 solution to solution of (A) results in the formation of a white ppt. (B), which is insoluble in dil. HCl.
ii) On heating (A), water vapours and two oxides of sulphur, (C ) and (D) are liberated leaving a red brown residue (E).
iii) (E) dissolves in warm conc. HCl to give a yellow solution (F).
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