Max Ltd., a foreign company , started its business in a under-developed contry. The size of the business is quite large. The company hs plenty of resources. It employs thousands of people in the under-developed country. The raw materials used by the company are readily available here. However, since there was not demand for these raw materials here, the producers were unable to get the best price for it. Due to this reason, the producers were discourged. Some local businessmen used to act arbitrarily earlier, but now they have corrected themselves. The reason for their becoming better is competition with the foreign company. Now their arbitrary approach has ended altogether. Max Ltd. is using completely the latest technology in its various business activities. As a result, the local people also have got the opportunity to learn the new technology. Because of using the modern technology and doing production at a large scale, the company's cost of production is very low. Because of its hugs size and status, the company occupied a dominant position in the market and took over some domestic firms.
(a) Which type of business enterprise is referred to in the above para ?
(b) State any three features of the enterprise identified in (a) by quoting the lines from the above para.
The correct Answer is:(a) Multinational Company
(b) Features:
(i) Expansion of market territory/International operations––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
An MNC has production, marketing and other facilities in several countries. It operates thorugh a network of subsidiaries and branches in host countries. It owns and controls assets in foreign countries.
"Max Ltd. a foreign company started its business in a under-develped country."
(ii) Giant size and capital resources––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
MNCs posses huge capital resources. They are able to tap funds from various sources. They may issue equity shares, debentures or bonds to the public. They are also in a position to borrow from financial institutationsand international banks.
"The size of the business is quite large. The company has plenty of resources.It employs the thousands of people in the under-developed country."
(iii) Sophisticated/Advanced technology–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Generally a multi-national corporation has at its command advanced technology so as to provide world class products and services.
"Max Ltd. is using completely the latest technology in its various business activities".
Step by step video, text & image solution for Max Ltd., a foreign company , started its business in a under-developed contry. The size of the business is quite large. The company hs plenty of resources. It employs thousands of people in the under-developed country. The raw materials used by the company are readily available here. However, since there was not demand for these raw materials here, the producers were unable to get the best price for it. Due to this reason, the producers were discourged. Some local businessmen used to act arbitrarily earlier, but now they have corrected themselves. The reason for their becoming better is competition with the foreign company. Now their arbitrary approach has ended altogether. Max Ltd. is using completely the latest technology in its various business activities. As a result, the local people also have got the opportunity to learn the new technology. Because of using the modern technology and doing production at a large scale, the company's cost of production is very low. Because of its hugs size and status, the company occupied a dominant position in the market and took over some domestic firms. (a) Which type of business enterprise is referred to in the above para ? (b) State any three features of the enterprise identified in (a) by quoting the lines from the above para. by Business Studies experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams.
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