A group of people in a locality of Delhi used to go for a walk in the morning . After the walk , they would often sit together and discuss the subjects like Politics , Demonetisation , Elections , Market prices of different goods , etc . There was about fifty persons in this group . One day , instead of other subjects, their focus of discussion was Market Prices of Different Goods . During the discussion , the emphasis laid on the point was that goods become very costly by the time they reach the consumers after getting transported from the producers . Consequently , everyone's budget is getting disturbed . To get rid of this problem some people suggested that they should join together to form a society . The society would sell the goods to all the members as per their requirements after buying them in a large quantity directly from the producers . This suggestion was appreciated by all of them . They all became members of the society and encouraged other people also to become its members . In no time , 100 members assembled and the society was formed . The idea of forming the society immediately proved to be successful. Now their budget became balanced . A special characteristic of this society was that apart from its members it also sold goods to the other people of the society at cheaper rates . All of them were very happy with the formation of the society .
(a) Identify and explain the type of the society formed by them .
(b) Under what Act , the society must have been formed ?
(c) What is the liability of the members of the society so formed ?
(d) Explain any one merit of the society so formed ?
(a) Consumers' Cooperative Society
Its purpose is to protect the interest of consumers . Consumers desirous of obtaining good quality products at reasonable prices become its members . It purchases goods in bulk directly from the wholesalers and sells goods to the members .
(b) The Cooperative Societies Act , 1912
(c) Limited Liability
The liability of the members of a cooperative society is limited to the extent of the amount contributed by them as capital . The personal assests of the members are safe from being used to repay business debts .
(d) (i) Ease of formation : Any ten adult persons can form a cooperative society . The registration procedure is simple involving a few legal formalities .
(ii) Stable existence : It is a separate legal entity distinct from its members . Death , bankruptcy or insanity of the members do not affect its continuity .
(iii) Support from government : Government gives all kind of support to cooperative societies in the form of relief in taxation , subsidies and low interest rates on loan .
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- FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS Book:POONAM GANDHIChapter:FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS Exercise:2.1 Understanding Applying , Analysing , Evaluating and Creating Based Questions
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View Solutionकिग्रा सेब और 1 किग्रा अंगूर का मूल्य किसी दिन ₹ 160 था । एक महीने बाद 4 किग्रा सेब और 2 किग्रा अंगूर का मूल्य ₹ 300 हो जाता है । इस स्थिति को बीजणितीय तथा ज्यामितीय रूपों में व्यव कीजिए ।
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