Identify and state the steps involved in planning process from the following :
(i) If the end result it clear it becomes easier to work towards the goal.
(ii) Alternatives are weighed in the light of their feasibility and consequences.
(iii) This is the real point of decision making. The best paln has to be adopted and implemented.
(iv) This is the step where other managerial functions also come into the picutre. This step would also involve organising for labour and purchase of machinery.
(v) Base material upon which plans are to be drawn in the form of forecasts, i.e.a technique of gathering information about the demand for a particular product, policy change, interest rates, prices of capital goods tax rates etc.
(i) Setting Objectives––––––––––––––––––––
Objectives or goals specify what the organisation wants to achieve.
(ii) Evaluating alternative courses–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The positive and negative aspects of each proposal need to be evaluated in the light of the objective to be achieved.
(iii) Selecting an alternative––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The ideal plan would be the most feasible, profitable and with least negative consequences. Sometimes, a combination of plans may be selected instead of one best course.
(iv) Implementing the plan–––––––––––––––––––––––––
The step is concerned with putting the plan into action, i.e., doing what is required.
(v) Developing premises––––––––––––––––––––––
Planning is concerned with the future which is uncertain. Therefore, the manager is required to make certain assumptions about the future. These assumptions are called premises.
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(i) स्वप्रेरण गुणांक, तथा (ii) t=2 सेकण्ड पर प्रेरक में संचित ऊर्जा |
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View Solutionयदि एक भिन्न के अंश में इसका हर जोड़ दिया जाए और हर में से अंश घटा दिया जाए तो भिन्न 113 बन जाती है । भिन्न ज्ञात कौजिए यदि इसका अंश, हर से 3 कम है।
View SolutionA और B की आय में 9:7 का अनुपात और उनके खच्चों का अनुपात 4:3 है। यदि इनमें से प्रत्येक 4000 प्रति माई बचता है तो इनमे प्रत्येक की मासिक आय ज्ञात कीजिए । यदि प्रत्येक बुजुर्ग व्यकितयों के कार्यो में लगी सस्था में अपनी आय का 9% है तो इनमे प्रत्येक की परिणामी बचत ज्ञात कीजिए । यह कार्य दर्शाता है ।
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