Mr. Sandeep is the marketting manager of a company manufacturing designer clothes. One day, in the morning while leaving home he had a quarrel with a person in his neighbourhood on some issue. That person was a criminal who could abuse his family members. Mr. Sandeep, on that day, was very worried and angry too on the behaviour of the neighourhood person. On that day, a meeting was held by a team of marketing and design exports to ensure that whatever was produced was according to market demand and tastes and fashion of the customers. But Mr. Sandeep could not pay attention to the discussion between them.
Identify the type of barriers to communication mentioned in the above para. Justify your answer.
Psychological barriers - A worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry receiver cannot understand the real meaning of message.
'Mr Sandeep is very worried and angry on that day. So he could not pay attention to the discussion in the meeting'.
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- BOOK - POONAM GANDHICHAPTER - DIRECTING EXERCISE - 7.2 Test Your Understanding (Understanding based question).28videos
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View Solutionएक लाटरी में 50 टिकटें हैं और 2 पर इनाम हैं। एक व्यक्ति ने 5 टिकटें खरीदी, बताओ उसके द्वारा इनाम जीतने की क्या प्रायिकता है?
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