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Explain the meaning and features of Joint Hindu Family Business.

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The Joint Hindu Family Business is a distinct form of organisation peculiar to India. Joint Hindu Family Firm is created by the operation of law. It does not have any separate and distinct legal entity from that of its members.
(1) Formation: Joint Hindu Family cannot be formed or created by any contract or agreement because this organization came into existence by the operation of the "Hindu Law". It is not formed by any agreement like partnership firm. Whenever, there is Hindu Undivided Family, there is the scope for Joint Hindu Family Business.  
(2) Registration: It is not at all compulsory to register this organization because it is the result of Hindu Law.  
(3)) Membership: There are two types of members i.e Karta and Co-parceners. Karta is the elder male member of the family who controls and manages the business. The other family members are called as the co-parceners. There is no limit on membership because the membership is by birth.
(4) Management: The head of the family has full responsibility of the management of Joint Hindu Family Business. He is free to take any decision without any interference of any co-parceners but he can take advice and help from the family members.
(5) Liability: The liability of Karta is unlimited because he is the only deciding authority whereas the liability of co-parceners is limited up to their share in the capital of the family.
