A company was manufacturing 'LED bulbs' which were in great demand. It was found that the target of producing 300 bulbs a day was not met by the employees. On analysis, it was found that the workers were not at fault. Due to electricity failure and shortage of workers, the company was not able to achieve the set targets and alternative arrangements were needed. To meet the increased demand, the company assessed that approximately 88 additional workers were required out of which 8 would work as heads of different departments and 10 would work as subordinates under each head. The required qualifications and job specifications were also enlished. It was also decided that necessary relaxation should be given to encourage women, persons from backward and rural areas and persons with special abilities to assume responsible positions in the organisation. All efforts were made to match the ability of the applicants with the nature of work.
(a) Identify the functions of management discussed above.
(b) State the two steps in the process of each function discussed in the above para.
(c) List any two values which the company wants to communicate to the society.
(a) Staffing and controlling.
(b) Steps in Staffing
(i) Estiminating manpower requirements which involves knowing how many persons are needed and of what type.
'To meet the increased demand, the company assessed that … subordinates under each head'.
(ii) Recruitment which involves searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
Steps in controlling : (any two)
(i) Comparison of actual performance with the standards which would reveal the deviation between actual and desired results.
'It was found that the target of producing 300 bulbs a day was not met by the employees'.
(ii) Analysing deviations which would help to find out the causes of deviation.
On analysis, it was found that the workers were not a fault ... alternative arrangements were needed.
(iii) Taking corrective action, if required.
To meet the increased demand, the company assessed the approximately ... as subordinates under each head.
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