Why is consumer protection required in India ?

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Consumer protection is needed because of following:
1. We need physical protection of the consumer, for example protection against products that are unsafe or dangerous to his health and welfare.

2. Consumer want protection against deceptive and unfair trade and market practices.

3. Consumers protection is needed against all types of pollution so that they can enjoy a healthy environment-free from water, air and food pollution.

4. Consumer protection is also needed against the abuse of monopolistic and restrictive trade practices. Protection delayed is protection denied.

On the one hand consumers, particularly in India, are unorganised, illiterate and ignorant, poor and backward, relatively uninformed and above all they still have the traditional outlook and attitude to suffer in silence. On the other side, businessmen and traders are organised, well-informed, intelligent and competent sellers. The negative sides of our life have enabled unscrupulous businessmen to exploit consumers in India.
Consumers in modern markets are amateurs whereas the persons confronting them are professional sellers. The consumer choice is influenced by mass advertising and other promotional devices which make people want things which neither they really need nor they can afford.
