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Find any ten rational numbers between 56and58.

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To find ten rational numbers between 56 and 58, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the fractions to have a common denominator
We need to find a common denominator for 56 and 58. The least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 8 is 24.

- Convert 56 to a fraction with a denominator of 24:

- Convert 58 to a fraction with a denominator of 24:

Now we have:

Step 2: Identify the range of rational numbers
The rational numbers we are looking for will be between 2024 and 1524.

Step 3: Find rational numbers in the range
To find rational numbers between 2024 and 1524, we can take fractions with a denominator of 24. We can choose numerators from -19 to 14 (since -20 is excluded and 15 is excluded).

The rational numbers can be:
1. 1924
2. 1824
3. 1724
4. 1624
5. 1524
6. 1424
7. 1324
8. 1224
9. 1124
10. 1024

Step 4: List the rational numbers
Thus, the ten rational numbers between 56 and 58 are:
1. 1924
2. 1824
3. 1724
4. 1624
5. 1524
6. 1424
7. 1324
8. 1224
9. 1124
10. 1024
