Is 0.3 the multiplicative inverse of 313 ? Why or why not?
To determine if 0.3 is the multiplicative inverse of 313, we will follow these steps:
Step 1: Convert 313 to an improper fraction.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, we use the formula:
Improper Fraction=(Whole Number×Denominator+Numerator)/Denominator
For 313:
- Whole Number = 3
- Numerator = 1
- Denominator = 3
Step 2: Convert 0.3 to a fraction.
To convert 0.3 to a fraction, we recognize that 0.3 is the same as 310.
Step 3: Find the product of 0.3 and 313.
Now we need to multiply 0.3 and 313:
Step 4: Simplify the product.
When we multiply the fractions, we multiply the numerators and the denominators:
Step 5: Conclusion.
Since the product of 0.3 and 313 is 1, we conclude that 0.3 is indeed the multiplicative inverse of 313.
Final Answer:
Yes, 0.3 is the multiplicative inverse of 313 because their product is 1.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, we use the formula:
Improper Fraction=(Whole Number×Denominator+Numerator)/Denominator
For 313:
- Whole Number = 3
- Numerator = 1
- Denominator = 3
To convert 0.3 to a fraction, we recognize that 0.3 is the same as 310.
Now we need to multiply 0.3 and 313:
When we multiply the fractions, we multiply the numerators and the denominators:
Since the product of 0.3 and 313 is 1, we conclude that 0.3 is indeed the multiplicative inverse of 313.
Yes, 0.3 is the multiplicative inverse of 313 because their product is 1.
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