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Pioneer community in the lithosere is ...............

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Pioneer Community: The pioneer community refers to the first group of organisms that colonize a barren or disturbed environment. These organisms are crucial for initiating ecological succession.

2. Defining Lithosere: Lithosere is a type of ecological succession that occurs on bare rocks. The term "lithos" means rock, indicating that this succession begins in rocky environments where soil is not initially present.

3. Identifying the Pioneer Species: In lithosere, the pioneer species are typically lichens. Lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. They can survive in harsh conditions, including bare rocks, where other organisms cannot.

4. Reasons for Lichens as Pioneer Species:
- Symbiotic Relationship: The partnership between fungi and algae allows lichens to efficiently utilize resources and survive in nutrient-poor environments.
- Resistance to Harsh Conditions: Lichens can withstand extreme conditions, including desiccation and high levels of UV radiation, making them well-suited for colonizing bare rocks.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the pioneer community in the lithosere is primarily composed of crustose lichens.

Final Answer: The pioneer community in the lithosere is crustose lichens.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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