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What are blastogenic variations? Give one example.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Blastogenic Variations:
- Blastogenic variations refer to small changes or variations that occur in the germ cells of an organism. Germ cells are the reproductive cells (gametes) that give rise to offspring.

2. Characteristics of Blastogenic Variations:
- These variations are inheritable, meaning they can be passed from parents to offspring. This is a crucial aspect as it distinguishes them from other types of variations that may not be inherited.

3. Origin of Blastogenic Variations:
- The variations originate from changes in the genetic material (DNA) within the germ cells. This means that the alterations in the genes occur at the level of the reproductive cells.

4. Example of Blastogenic Variation:
- A well-known example of blastogenic variation is polydactyly, which is a condition where an individual has more than the normal number of fingers or toes (typically more than five). This condition is caused by a genetic mutation that occurs in the germ cells and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, blastogenic variations are inheritable changes in the germ cells that can lead to observable differences in offspring, such as the presence of extra fingers in the case of polydactyly.
