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What are mycorrhizae? Mention two importances of it.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Mycorrhizae:
Mycorrhizae are defined as a symbiotic association between fungi and the roots of higher plants. In this relationship, both organisms benefit from each other.

2. Explanation of Symbiotic Association:
- In a symbiotic relationship, both parties involved gain advantages.
- The fungi absorb essential nutrients from the soil and transfer them to the plant roots, aiding in the plant's growth and development.
- In return, the plants produce food through photosynthesis and supply some of this food to the fungi.

3. Importance of Mycorrhizae:
- First Importance: Mycorrhizae support the growth of plants by enhancing nutrient absorption. They enrich the soil with essential nutrients, making them more available for plant uptake.
- Second Importance: Plants associated with mycorrhizae exhibit increased resistance to root-borne pathogens and improved tolerance to environmental stresses such as salinity and drought. This means that these plants can thrive even in less-than-ideal conditions.

Mycorrhizae are beneficial associations between fungi and plant roots that enhance nutrient uptake and provide resistance to environmental stresses.
