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You are told that 1,331 is a perfect cube. Can you guess without factorisation what is its cube root? Similarly, guess the cube roots of 4913, 12167, 32768.

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To find the cube roots of the given perfect cubes without factorization, we can use the properties of cubes and their last digits. Here’s a step-by-step solution for each number:

Step 1: Finding the cube root of 1331

1. Identify the range:
- The cube of 10 is 103=1000.
- The cube of 20 is 203=8000.
- Since 1331 is between 1000 and 8000, the cube root must be between 10 and 20.

2. Check the last digit:
- The last digit of 1331 is 1.
- The cubes that end with 1 are 13 (which is 1) and 113 (which is 1331).
- Therefore, the cube root of 1331 is 11.

Step 2: Finding the cube root of 4913

1. Identify the range:
- The cube of 20 is 203=8000.
- Since 4913 is greater than 1000 and less than 8000, the cube root must be between 10 and 20.

2. Check the last digit:
- The last digit of 4913 is 3.
- The cubes that end with 3 are 33 (which is 27) and 173 (which is 4913).
- Therefore, the cube root of 4913 is 17.

Step 3: Finding the cube root of 12167

1. Identify the range:
- The cube of 20 is 8000 and the cube of 30 is 27000.
- Since 12167 is greater than 8000 and less than 27000, the cube root must be between 20 and 30.

2. Check the last digit:
- The last digit of 12167 is 7.
- The cubes that end with 7 are 33 (which is 27) and 233 (which is 12167).
- Therefore, the cube root of 12167 is 23.

Step 4: Finding the cube root of 32768

1. Identify the range:
- The cube of 30 is 27000 and the cube of 40 is 64000.
- Since 32768 is greater than 27000 and less than 64000, the cube root must be between 30 and 40.

2. Check the last digit:
- The last digit of 32768 is 8.
- The cubes that end with 8 are 23 (which is 8) and 323 (which is 32768).
- Therefore, the cube root of 32768 is 32.

Summary of Cube Roots:
- The cube root of 1331 is 11.
- The cube root of 4913 is 17.
- The cube root of 12167 is 23.
- The cube root of 32768 is 32.
