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Give the uses of gypsum.

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(i) The Alabaster variety of gypsum was used by the sculptors.
(ii) Gypsum is used in making drywalls or plaster boards.
(iii) Gypsum is used in the production of Plaster of Paris, which is used as a sculpting material
(iv) Gypsum is used in making surgical and orthopedic casts.
(v) It plays an important role in agriculture as a soil additive, conditioner and fertilizer.
(vi) Gypsum is used in toothpaste, shampoo and hair produsts.
(vii) Calcium sulphate acts as coagulator in making tofu.
(viii) It is also used in baking as a dough conditioner.
(ix) Gypsum is a component of portland cement, where it acts as a hardening retarder to control the speed at which concrete sets.
(x) Gypsum is used to give colour to cosmetics and drugs.
(xi) Gypsum plays a very impotant rolw in wine making.
