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Explain the term 'cropping intensity'. Describe the three cropping seasons in India.

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Intensity of cropping means the number of crops raised on a field during an agricultural year. It indicates the efficiency of land use.
The three cropping seasons of India are:
kharif, rabi and zaid.
Kharif: It coincides with southwest Monsoon. This season starts from June and ends in September. During this season tropical crops such as rice, cotton, jute, jowar, bajra and tur are grown.
Rabi: The rabi season begins with the onset of winter in October-November and ends in March-April. The low temperature conditions during this season facilitate the cultivation of temperate and subtropical crops such as wheat, gram and mustard.
Zaid: Zaid is a short duration summer cropping season beginning after harvesting of rabi crops. Watermelons, cucumbers, vegetables and fodder crops are cultivated during this season.
