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What do you know about the Arawakian Lucayos? Discuss the way of life the Arawakian Lucayos led.

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The Arawakian Lucayos inhabited a cluster of small islands in the Caribbean sea and the Greater Antilles. They had been expelled by the Caribs from the Lesser Antillcs.
The Arawakian Lucayos Always preferred negotiations. They ignored conflict. They were boat-builders and used to sail the open sea in canoes made from hollow tree trunks. they lived on hunting, fishing and agriculture. corn, sweet potatoes, tubers and cassave were major agricultural produce. the arawakian people produced food collectively and fed everyone in the community.
The arawakian culture: The arawakian people were organised under the elders of the clan. the traditioin of polygamy was common. they were animists. in many other societies, shamans played an important role as healers and intermediaries between this world and that of the supernatural.
Relations with Europeans: The Arawakian people wore the ornaments made of gold. they did not give as much value to the gold as the Europeans did. gold was exchanged from glass beads. the arawakian lucayos people were quite happy with this. these beads looked more beautiful. They were highly skilled in the art of weaving. it was much developed. the hammock was one of their specialities.
