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How did the concept of 'Jati' evolve? How was it different from Varna?

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According to the Brahmanical theory Jati like Varna was based on birth.
Varna: The word is found in the Purusha Sukta hymn of the Rigveda. The four Varnas - Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra have been traced from the four body organs of the creator Brahman (divine order). The people of the first three Varnas were known as dvijas.
Jati: Jati like Varna was based on birth. It emerged within the Varna system. The Brahmanical authorities encountered new people with shared occupation which did not fit into the four-fold Varna system. They classified them as Jati. The number of Varnas was fixed and no restrictions were on the number of Jatis.

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