Liberty-'Liberty vs Freedom
We hear a lot around us that people appear to use the word liberty and freedom as synonyms of each other. But there are some fundamental differences between these two concepts that must be understood. Liberty comes from the Latin word "libertatem" which means "condition of a freeman". While freedom come from the English word "freodom" which means "state of free will". Liberty is power to act and express oneself according to one's will while freedom is the power to decide one's action. Freedom is more concrete concept than liberty which is more associated with an individual's connection with the state rather than with other individuals and circumstances. State guarantees freedom through the liberty it grants to its citizens. The difference between these two concepts can briefly be outlined as follows:
The common feature between these two concepts is that both remain unconstrained, which means that their realization is free from any constrain. Further, both follow rightful or ethical conformity in terms of their realization.
What do you mean by liberty and freedom? Give the common features between these two concepts.
We hear a lot araound us that people appear to use the word liberty and freedom as synonyms of each other. But there are some fundamental differences between there two concepts that must be understood. Liberty comes from the latin word "libertatem" which means "condition of a freedom" While freedom come from the English word "freedom" Which means "state of free will". Liberty is power to act and express oneself according to one.s will while freedom is the power the decide one,s action. Freedom is more concrete concept then liberty which is more associated with an individual.s connection with the state rather than with other individuals and circumstances. State guarantees freedom through the liberty it grants to its citizens.
The common feature between these two concepts is that both remain unconstrained, which means that their relization is free from any constrain. Further, both follow rightful or ethical conformity in terms of their realization.
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(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
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