Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Differentiate between political, economic and cultural rights. Give examples of each kind of right.

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(a) Political rights: Political rights are supplemented by several types of civil liberties, i.e. right to express one.s views freely, right to protest, free and fair trial, etc. These rights make the government accountable and ensure an opportunity to each and every individual to influence the decisions of government:
(i) Political rights provide equality to all citizens.
(ii) Every citizen has the right to participate in political process.
(iii) Political rights provide the right to vote and elect representatives.
(iv) Every citizen enjoys the right to contest elections and right to form political parties.
(b) Economic rights:
(i) It includes the basic needs to live and to enjoy the right to get food, shelter, clothing, health, etc.
(ii) An adequate wage to meet their basic needs.
(iii) Democratic societies provide reasonable condition of work
(iv) Citizens with low incomes, receive housing, medical facilities and unemployed persons receive a certain minimum wage to meet their basic needs.
(v) In India, the government has introduced a rural employment guarantee scheme to assist the poor.
(c) Cultural rights:
(i) The right to have primary education.
(ii) Culture has been recognised as being necessary for leading good life.
(iii) The people have the right to enjoy one.s own language, one.s way of living, literature, style of painting, construction, religion, etc.
(iv) Right to establish institutions for teaching one.s own language.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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