Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, political theorists argued that rights are given to us by nature or God. The rights of men were derived from natural law. This meant that rights were not conferred by a ruler or a society, rather we are born with them. As such these rights are inalienable and no one can take these away from us. They identified three natural rights of man: the right to life, liberty and property. All other rights were said to be derived from these basic rights."
In the recent years the use of natural rights are replaced by the human rights. Comment.
In recent years, the term human rights is being used more than the term natural rights. This is because the idea of there being a natural law, or a set of norms that are laid down for us by nature, or God, appears unacceptable today. Rights are increasingly seen as guarantees that human beings themselves seek or arrive at in order to lead a minimally good life.
The assumption behind human rights is that all persons are entitled to certain things simply because they are human beings. As a human being each person is unique and equally valuable.
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Rights—'Human Rights'
Human rights are those rights which all human beings are entitled by virtue of being human. It is based on the principle of respect for the individual. The fundamental assumption behind the concept of human rights is that every person is amoral and rational being who deserves to be treated with dignity. Human rights are both universal and fundamental, these are universal in the sense that they belong to all human beings irrespective of race, nationality, community, religion, gender, etc, these are also fundamental because once given, these cannot be taken back. Although the presence of human rights can be traced to the ancient Indian philosophy and culture, the concept formally originated at the international level in 1948 with the UN Declaration of Human Rights listing 30 rights for all people across the globe.
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View SolutionRights—'Human Rights'
Human rights are those rights which all human beings are entitled by virtue of being human. It is based on the principle of respect for the individual. The fundamental assumption behind the concept of human rights is that every person is amoral and rational being who deserves to be treated with dignity. Human rights are both universal and fundamental, these are universal in the sense that they belong to all human beings irrespective of race, nationality, community, religion, gender, etc, these are also fundamental because once given, these cannot be taken back. Although the presence of human rights can be traced to the ancient Indian philosophy and culture, the concept formally originated at the international level in 1948 with the UN Declaration of Human Rights listing 30 rights for all people across the globe.
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