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Differentiate between the major approaches, discussed in the chapter, to the establishment of peace in the world.

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1. The first approach:
(a) It accords centrally to states, respects their sovereignty and treats competition among them as a fact of life.
(b) Its chief concern is with the proper management of this competition and with the containment of possible conflict though inter-state arrangements like .balance of power.
(c) Such a balance is said to have prevailed in the 19th country when the major European countries fine- turned their struggle for power by forming alliances that deferred potential aggressors and checked the outbreak of a great war.
2. The second approach:
(a) It grants the deeprooted nature of inter-state rivalry with positive presence and possibilities of interdependence.
(b) This approach underscores the increasing social and economic cooperation among nations to temper state sovereignty and promote international understanding.
(c) Its example may be given the post-World War II Europe secured durable peace by graduating from ecunomic integration to political unification
3. The third approach:
(a) It considers the state to be passing phase of human history to envisage an emergence of a supra-national order and sees the fostering of a global community as the surest guarantee of peace.
(b) The seeds of such a community are found in the expanding interactions and coditions across state boundaries to involve diverse non-government actors like multinational corporations and people.s movements
(c) The ongoing process of globalisation is further eroding the already diminished primary and sovereignty of the state, there by creating conditions conducive to the establishment of world peace.
Hence, united nations may be said to embody elements of all above mentioned approaches. The security council also reflect the prevalent international hierarchy.
The economic and social council promotes interstate cooperation in many areas. The commission on Human Rights seeks to shape and apply transnational norms.
