Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Briefly explain the following
(a) Liberalisation.
(b) Privatisation.
(c) Globalisation.

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The essential  features of the liberalization, privatization and  globalization were :   LIBERALIZATION :
  1.Abolishing of licensing requirement in most of the industries.
2.Freedom on deciding the size of the operation.
3.Removal of restriction on the movement of goods and services.
4.Freedom in fixing the price of goods and services.
5.Simplification of process of exports and imports.
6.Easy norms to attract foreign capital and technology.
1.Reduction in the role of public sector in government undertakings.
2.Planned disinvestment of public sector undertakings.
3.Reference of loss making government entities to Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction(BIFR).
1.Import liberalization to import capital goods( heavy machineries).
2.Reduction in import duty.
3.Export promotion through rationalization of traffic structure and reforms.
4.Promote foreign investment in India through foreign investment promotion board .
