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Write a short notes on Indian English novel.

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English is an international language not because it is read and spoken by the largest number of people but also because it is read and spoken in the largest number of countries. Almost all the former colonies of Britain have English as an important language. India being a colony of British empire has English as an important language.
The Future of English is very bright in India. It may be said to be the link language of the country. It played an important role in our fight against the British. It brought different people belonging to different regions and speaking different languages on one platform.
The English has future in this country also because India is economically a rising country. All recent inventions and discoveries are found in the books of English. We cannot do anything without English.
English has future in India also because of globalisation. Market economy has created international trade and marketing. The knowledge of English is indispensable in such a situation. English has generated employment in India. Thousands of call centres require employees who have knowledge of English. Thus, the fiture of English in India is bright.
