Explain any one of the following:
(a) Here lies a most beautiful lady, light of step and heart was she,
(b) Broken, youre bellious, I swore this time
To save it from the sin of forgiving
(c) The voice of my education said to me
He must be killed.
(a) The poem may be called an elogy. It has been composed by an eminent morden poet. Walter de la Mare. In the poem, the poet has moamed the transitoriness of love and beauty. This epitaph is in the memory of a lady the poet loved heart and soul but who betrayed his love being proud of her beauty. The lady was very beautiful but she was not aware of the fact that her beauty would not last for ever. Nothing in this world is permanent. She was proud of her beauty. She betrayed the love of the poet though it is the poet who remembers hereven after her death. No one else remiebers that lady now. In this way, the poet has snubbed the frailty of his beloved in this epitaph.
(b) 'Fire-Hymn' is a very heart-touching poem composed by the famous Indo-Anglian poct, Keki N. Daruwalla. Here, the poec has described how that dead body of his son was consigned to the flame of fire after his death at a cremation ghat though his Parsi religion forbade it. At the outset, the poet presents a horrible and shocking sight of a burning ghat at night. The dead body is put on a funeral pyre. Then the fire is lit. Sometimes, the fire fails to perform its duty wholly and the limbs are life hall burnt. The poet was compelled to cremate the dead body of his son because the nearest. Tower of Silence was a thousand miles away. He feels guilty of neglecting his religious ritual but he vows to free the fire from the sin of "forgetting because the fire is worshipped by the Parsis.
(c) Snake is one of Lowrence's best animal poems, written whilst is was living in sicily. It explores the relationship between human and one of the most leared repules on earth a venomous snake.
One day the poet finds a snake moving towards the water tank of drink water. It was the hot day of summer and snake was very thirsty. The snake looked very handsome and majestic It reached the tank and began to sip water The poct was watching everything. His old education told him to kili the snake but his heart was refusing to do so. He was in a conflict of what to do and what not to do. Finally he threw a log of wood to the snake. the snako suiftly retumed to its hole and the poet was left regretting his action.
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- ENGLISH - 2019BOOK - BIHAR BOARD- PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERCHAPTER - ENGLISH - 2019EXERCISE - ENGLISH ( 50 MARKS ) Section - B (Answer the following questions)
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