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Answer in about 75 words, any one of the following questions :
(a) How did David's mother change after she got married to Mr.Murdstone ?
(b) 'Mr. Murdstone proved to be a cruvel and unkind father' . Illustrate.
(c) Give a character sktch of either Clara Peggotty or David Copperfield.

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(a) Mr. Murdstone flatters the inexperienced young. Mrs. copperfield and tricks her into marrying him . After the marriage, however, his behaviour soon changes resulting in inevitably bringing a drastic change in David's mother's behaviour because of the patriarchal conditions she was made to live in David who was went to her pampering could not digest her sternness that was forced upon her. She did not hug and kiss David as often as she used to . Even the rare kisses and hugs happened when Murdstone or his sister were not around. Therefore this shift in Mrs. Coppperfield ! Murdstone resulted in David getting distant from his mother.
(b) Mr. Murdstone, the second husband to David's mother is a cruel and selfishman . He is also a very bad father . This is evident by his behaviour towards his stepson. David was a fairly good student and was good with his lessons. However this changed after the Murdstones moved into the house. He always this changed after the Murdstones moved into the house. He always gave sten and repressive looks to David . These made in nervous and would result in his forgetting his lessons. He placed several restrictions on David on his mother. He did not for example allow David's mother to show her affections to him by hugging and kissing him . His unkindness and curelty reached its zenity when he decided to cane David for forgetting his lessons.
(c) Clara Peggotty An Ideal Servant - "Clara Peggotty represents what an ideal servant should be . She had become the part had parcel of the family. She regarded David as her own son. She was to David in his Childhood what Miss Betsey was to him in his youth. She provided to be sincere and devoted to the family. She remained with the family till the death of her mistress. When she was forinerly dismissed by Murdstone, she left Blunderstone with a heavy heart. At Yarmouth she was married with Barkis ".
Not only a Servant but a Member of David's Family - In the family of David, Miss Peggotty was always regarded as a member of the family. She was known to be the most genuine well-wisher of the family. David's words, "I left towards her something . I have never felt for any other human being " show his confidence in her. She is a living example of honesty and devotion.
Her Love for David - Peggotty loved David as a true sister. One day, Mr. Murdstone caned David who is return , but him in order to release himself from the tyrants clutches. He was punished with solitary confinement in his own room for five days. Nobody was allowed to see him not even his own mother. Even then , Peggotty used to go up and console him by talking to him through the keyhold . She even kissed the keyhole in order to kiss David. This shows her simplicity and boundless. love for David. On the fifth day she informed him that he was going be sent to a boarding school . She assured him that she would continue to love him and take care as him mother and she remained faithful to her promise .
The next day when David was seated on the carried cart, feeling very dejected and in law spirits, because his mother had not been allowed to come near him and give him a parting kiss, Peggotty suddently emerged from a bush ran up to the cart and embraced David . She filled his pocket with cake which she had baked herself . She also gave him a purse containing some money from herself and from his mother.
An Example of Sacrifice - Miss Peggotty is an example of sacrifice . She was always willing to sacrifice her own life and happiness for the sake of her mistress. When David told her that Barkis the carrier , was waiting for a reply to his offer to marriage. She dismissed the question saying she would not marry. Barks or anyone else. It was only after her mistress's death, when she was dismissed by Mr. Murlstone, that she decided to get. Even then her married prime consideration was David's happiness she knew that by marrying Barkis, she would have a home of her own , where David could come and live whenever he wanted .
A Kind Mother and Good Wife - To David, peggotty became a kind mother after the loss of his own mother and he was grateful to her for the affection and care she had always shows towards him . He kept writing to her even when he was staying with is aunt an also from Dr. strong's school. Peggotty was kind to David's friends also. She entertained steerfofth when he first visited varmyuth. When traddles wanted to buy back a piece of furniture, Peggotty brought it for him . Though she had once entertained a peculiar dread of miss Trotwood, she went to see her again, the time she liked her and was also liked by her.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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