What were the reasons which caused a great suffering to Matilda?
Matilda was a very pretty young woman. But she was dreamy. She was born in a poor family. But she dreamed tobe loved and known by the rich. One day, her husband brought home an invitation card. He was a clerk in the Board of Education office. They had been invited to a Minister.s party at the Minister.s residence. Matlida borrowed at diamond neclace from her friend. Forestier for the party. Matlida was the centre of attraction for the people at the party. She felt overjoyed. But they were poor. However, they replaced it. But they had to spend a lot on it. It took ten years to repay the borrowed money. These ten years were very painful for Matlida and her husband. They saw a life of want. They had to save sours after sous. But the borrowed diamond necklace turned out to be artificial. However, they had replaced it with a real one.
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