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How and when were the ruins of Hampi brought to light ? Explain briefly.

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(i) Hampi, the capital city of the Vijayanagara empire, was discovered by Colonel Colin Mackenzie. Mackenzie, who was a well-known engineer, surveyou and a cartographer visited Hampi in 1800.
(ii) He prepared the first survey of Hampi. In preparing it he collected most of his information from the priest of Virupaksha and the Pampadevi temple working as the first Surveyor General of India (18151821).
(iii) He tried to understand the past of India in a better way. He surveyed historical sites so that their governance could be made easy and efficient. His efforts gave a new impetus to the future researchers.
(iv) As early as 1836, an epigraphist began to collect inscriptions from the Virupaksha temple. He was Alexander Greenlaw.
