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What makes a river system? Explain its components.

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River system
(a) A river is a body of water, which flows into channel from a higher elevations to a lower elevation rivers usually originate from lake or melting snow on top of mountains flow down hill and join sea or ocean. The place from where the river originates is known as the source, and where it ends is known as the mouth.
(b) From the source , the river flows along a path which is known as its course. The course of a river can be divided into three parts, the upper course, the middle course and the lower course.
(c) In the upper course, the river flows with great force through a narrow andd shallow channel. Only a small amount of water is transported. The gradient slope of river is very steep.
(d) In the middle course, the force of the river reduces its flow through gentle gradient such as plains. Many small stream or river join the main river in the middle course resulting in widening of the river channel. The small streams are known as tributaries.
(e) The river finally flows into lake, sea or ocean. The part of the river that enters the sea is known as the river mouth.
(f) Ariver and its tributaries together form a drainage basin. A drainage basin is an area obtained by two main river and its tributaries and drainage basin is separated from adjacent basins by a hill, a ridge or mountain which is known as a drainage divide or watershed.
