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What is the function of polysome ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Polysome: A polysome, also known as a polyribosome, is a complex formed by multiple ribosomes attached to a single mRNA molecule. This structure allows for the simultaneous translation of the mRNA into proteins.

2. Formation of Polysomes: Polysomes are formed when several ribosomes line up along an mRNA strand. Each ribosome reads the mRNA and synthesizes a polypeptide chain, which is a sequence of amino acids.

3. Function of Polysomes: The primary function of polysomes is to increase the efficiency of protein synthesis. By having multiple ribosomes translating the same mRNA at the same time, a cell can produce multiple copies of a specific polypeptide quickly.

4. Result of Polysome Activity: The result of polysome activity is the formation of several copies of a particular polypeptide, which is essential for the cell's function and response to various stimuli.

In summary, the function of polysomes is to facilitate the rapid synthesis of multiple copies of a polypeptide from a single mRNA strand, enhancing the efficiency of protein production in the cell.

