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Where did life appear first ?

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The correct Answer is:Sea water

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Context of Life's Origin: Life on Earth is believed to have originated in a specific environment. This environment is crucial for the formation of the first living organisms.

2. The Role of Earth's Atmosphere: Initially, the Earth's atmosphere was a reducing atmosphere, which means it lacked oxygen and was rich in gases like methane, ammonia, and water vapor. This type of atmosphere was conducive to the formation of organic molecules.

3. Formation of Water Bodies: As the Earth cooled, the water vapor in the atmosphere began to condense, leading to the formation of oceans and seas. This process was essential for creating a stable environment where life could emerge.

4. Origin of Life in Sea Water: The first molecular aggregates, which are considered the precursors to life, appeared in the sea water. This suggests that the oceans provided the necessary conditions for the development of early life forms.

5. Timeline of Life's Origin: The earliest evidence of life dates back to approximately 3.5 billion years ago, indicating that life began in the oceans.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the answer to the question "Where did life appear first?" is that life first appeared in sea water.

