Here are some reports of electoral malpractices from different parts of the world. Is there anything that these countries can learn from India to improve their elections? What would you suggest in each case?
(a) During an election in Nigeria, the officer in charge of counting votes deliberately increased the votes of one candidate and declared him elected. The court later found out that more than five lakh votes cast for one candidate were counted in favour of another.
(b) Just before elections in Fiji, a pamphlet was distributed warning voters that a vote for former Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry will lead to bloodshed. This was a threat to voters of Indian origin.
(c) In the US, each state has its own method of voting, its own procedure of counting and its own authority for conducting elections. Authorities in the state of Florida took many controversial decisions that favoured Mr. Bush in the presidential elections in 2000, But no one could change those decisions.
(a) The use of EVM (Electronic Voting Machines) which are tamper proof could have been used to control rigging of votes in Nigeria. The counting of votes can be done in within the presence of multiple individuals which would assure transparency in counting
(b) The organisation which conducts elections in Fiji could have assured security to voters of Indian Origin during the election process. The people behind such pamphlets should have been investigated and stern actions should have been taken against them.
(c) There is need for uniformity in certain procedures of elections to assure transparency and avoid malpractice. The Election Commission in India has autonomy and the government cannot interfere. The same practice cannot be taken to assure that the party in power does not use government inachinery to rig elections. There should be a single Election Commission which should have the freedom to formulate uniform rules of elections for all the states of the country.
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There is another reason why democracy should lead to better decisions than any non-democratic government. Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings. When a number of people put their heads together, they are able to point out possible mistakes in any decision. This takes time. But there is a big advantage in taking time over important decisions. This reduces the chances of rash or irresponsible decisions, Thus democracy improves the quality of decision-making.
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View Solutionतीन प्रतिरोध तार हैं। प्रत्येक का प्रतिरोध 4 ओम हैं। इनमें सम्भावित संयोजनों को प्रदर्शित कीजिए। तथा प्रत्येक संयोजन में तुल्य प्रतिरोध ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionसंलग्न चित्र में, यदि धारामापी G में कोई विक्षेप नहीं हैं तो एक दशा में प्रतिरोध R का मान तथा इसमें प्रवाहित धारा का मान परिकलित कीजिए ।
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(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
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यदि हम अश में 1 जोड़ दे तथा हर में से 1 घटा दे , तो भिन्न 1 में बदल जाती है । यदि हर में 1 जोड़ दे तो यह 12 हो जाती है । वह भिन्न क्या है ।
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