When the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometers from the Earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72" of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.Solution in Kannada
1.429×105 km
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Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million km from the Earth. Its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72". Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.
View Solutionजब बृहस्पति ग्रह पृथ्वी से 824.7 लाख किलोमीटर दूर होता है, तो इसके व्यास की कोणीय माप 35.72∘ का चाप है | बृहस्पति का व्यास परिकलित कीजिए |
View SolutionWhen the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometers from the Earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72" of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.
View SolutionWhen the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometers from the Earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72" of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.
View SolutionWhen the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometers from the Earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72" of arc. Calculate the diameter of Jupiter.
View SolutionWhen the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometers from the Earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72 of arc. Calculate the diameter of the Jupiter.
View SolutionWhen the planet Jupiter is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometer from the earth, its angular diameter is measured to be 35.72" of arc. Calcutate the diameter of the Jupiter.
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