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Complete the reactions.
Complete the reactions.

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In phenantrene (like antracene), positions (C9) and (C10) are more reactive because (C9C10) bond has the most double bond character (45). Reactions at (C9C10) bond result in biphenyl compound with two benzene rings intact. with a total R.E.=(2×150.4)=308.8kJmol1 for isoloted rings (like anthracene). Reactions at any other position in the outer ring would leave a napthalen ring with less stability, having only 255kJmol1 (R.E of napthalene).
At high heat causes teh reformationof 2C to (F') which loses h from adjacent C' to refrom the reform teh atomic ring. giving the thermodynaically more stable substituation product (F). See Section 11.3(e)
